Downloads > Minecraft > Disable Enderman Griefing

Disable Enderman Griefing

29th January 2021 Updated: 29th January 2021

Very simple plugin to stop Enderman from picking up any blocks.


In the DisableEndermanGriefing folder in your server plugins, you will see config.yml which has the following setting that you can change. It is true by default

  • VersionCheck: [true/false]
    • true - When the server starts or is reloaded, DisableEndermanGriefing will automatically check if there's a new version available
    • false - Automatic checking disabled

All versions
File Minecraft VersionMC Size Downloads Posted
DisableEndermanGriefing-1.0.jar View changelogChangelog 1.16 12.2KB 899 3 years ago
Total downloads 899
First release Jan 29, 2021
Lastest update Jan 29, 2021
Version 1.0
Released Jan 29, 2021
Downloads 899
Minecraft Version 1.16
To give feedback, get help or report bugs, please join my Discord server and use the #plugin-feedback channel.

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  1. Download the latest version of this plugin that's compatible with your Spigot, Bukkit or Paper server
  2. Place the .jar in your plugins directory
  3. Restart or reload your server
  4. Change any settings in the config.yml file